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Dreams and Desires - Goalsetting for a Brighter Future

A large portion of our modern day society is having a hard time figuring out exactly what (or who) they want to be. They work hard, they approach problems and people in a great way, and they do everything they can to be “successful” yet they are still struggling. Why does this phenomenon continually happen to hardworking and honest individuals? The answer is simple, they aren’t setting goals. A mountain only seems insurmountable when it’s peak isn’t in sight, but once we can visualize the top, we can climb it. Once we know what it is we’re looking for, doesn’t it become significantly easier to find it? Well, the same is true in business. Lay out your goals step by step and tackle them with everything you’ve got and there is no doubt that you will regularly make progress within your company.

Goals can be abstract or definite, but the more definite goals you have, the more milestones you are able to reach and celebrate. These moments are only possible if your goals are well defined and physically achievable though. While “wanting to be happy” is an admirable goal for any human being, it doesn’t really help you mark where you or your company is at in comparison to where it started, or in comparison to where you hope it will be. If you want to be in the top 20 Google searches for web design companies in your area, then you should endeavor to achieve that purpose. When you do achieve that goal it should matter to you and be celebrated. Likewise, if a goal is not met it should not be brushed off and revisited at a later date. Instead, you should make it a point to figure out why your goal wasn’t reached. Was production not fast enough during this time period? Was there some kind of motivational issue that prevented employees from getting the job done? Was the goal unrealistic to even be achieved in the first place? By using this method, your goals can help you better identify strong and weak points in your company and can further solidify your ideas of what you can do to improve the infrastructure you’ve already laid out.

Timelines need to be logical and well-reasoned when it comes to your goals. What do you expect from the business in the short or long term? Writing down, maintaining, and sticking to your goals will help you keep the bigger picture in focus. You might not be able to fully open a business in a week, but you can open a bank account and come up with a name for your company in that time. Setting these small benchmarks will truly help you stay on track and will inevitably help to define where your company is wildly succeeding and where it is not. To this end, it’s important to find a task management software or develop some kind of system that constantly reminds you of what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by. These methods will help to continue to move your plans forward and at the same time will prevent your awesome ideas that you can’t capitalize on now from falling through the cracks.

Goals should be lofty but attainable. If you shoot too high you’ll likely end up discouraged and may even quit. You should always be developing new goals, not just when you achieve previous ones. If something makes sense for your company to work towards then you should go for it and add it to your list, no matter when you stumble upon the idea. To that end, passion is exceedingly important in finishing what you start. If you put the blood, sweat, and tears required of your job into practice every single day, you’ll likely end up achieving your goals on accident! Passion will help you see your list of goals as less of a daunting task and instead you’ll view them as a satisfying string of accomplishments that you can look back on and be proud of. Review your goals every day until you’ve memorized them and it will become clearer what you must do to realize your dreams and desires.

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